Hickman County Schools - Strategic Plan

Our Vision

The Hickman County School System inspires and supports students and staff with high expectations, ensuring every student gets quality support.

Our Mission

We exist to fully engage and nurture every student's mind, body, and character, ensuring they are well-prepared for success in education, work, and life.

Our Primary Focus Areas 


The core pillars of our strategic plan, our Focus Areas, serve as the guiding framework determining how the district allocates its resources, talents, and financial resources to achieve our goals effectively.

1. Instructional Climate

2. Teaching Effectiveness

3. Cultivate All-Round Students

Our schools prioritize safety, welcome, and positivity for all: students, parents, and teachers alike.
(We will cultivate and maintain an inclusive and supportive school environment that uplifts
and meets the individual needs of every student.)



  • Reduction in chronic absenteeism 

  • Discipline data reflects consistency of implementation districtwide.

  • Continue to implement safety and security plans. 

  • Continue to implement best practices in supporting mental health. 



  1. Maintain a district-wide culture where all students and all HCS employees have a place of belonging and are included, supported, and respected.

  2. Consistently evaluate and enhance the condition of school facilities to guarantee they are adequately maintained and suitable for student enrollment, services, and activities. 

  3. Allocate resources and adopt suitable technologies to enhance facility security, thereby reinforcing the physical safety of all students and staff members. 

  4. Offer continual training to both staff and students in safety and security best practices, ensuring the effective implementation of emergency protocols district-wide. 

  5. Consistently educate students, HCS employees, and families about expectations regarding bullying, harassment, and non-discrimination, while training HCS team members to recognize and report such behavior, ensuring consistent and appropriate disciplinary measures.

  6. Enhance systems of support and interventions to address individual student needs and behaviors, ensuring optimal learning opportunities for all students.

 Teachers will deliver high-quality instruction using a rigorous curriculum that will enhance learning outcomes.
(We will dedicate time, expertise, and resources to attract, retain, and continuously develop and train our team members across all roles to maintain a high-quality workforce.)



  • Increase in faculty and staff job satisfaction.

  • Increase in teacher retention.

  • Increase in overall employee retention.



  1. Provide new Hickman County teachers with differentiated mentoring and coaching.

  2. Expand opportunities for professional development and coaching for all with a focus on success criteria, instruction led by data, curriculum use for acceleration in tutoring or Tier 1 instruction, and outcomes.

  3. Continuously improve the implementation of educator collaboration focused on student learning.

  4. Increase the diversity of the HC team. 

  5. Recognize and honor excellence across all roles in HCS. 

  6. Evaluate and maintain the most effective staffing ratios or staffing standards for all roles based on changing student needs and best practices.

  7. Continue to find creative ways to recruit and reward hard to fill positions.

  8. Continue to find ways to increase efficiencies and streamline administrative tasks for all HCS team roles.

Through engaging and inspiring education, we aim to cultivate well-rounded citizens who continue learning, applying knowledge ethically and with integrity in our community and beyond.
(We hold high expectations for every student, believing in their potential for success and supporting their growth without limitations.)



  • Increase in the percentage of students meeting college-ready benchmarks on the ACT.

  • Increase in the percentage of students reaching the Ready Graduate benchmark (ACT, EPSO, ASVAB).

  • Increase in the percentage of students participating in at least one extracurricular activity in athletics, arts, or academics.



  1. Increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding state expectations on state end of year assessments.

  2. Increase opportunities for student participation in extracurricular activities at all grade levels.

  3. Increase awareness and enrollment in CTE programs and adjust offerings to align with relevant job trends and connect to college and technical pathways.

  4. Increase job engagement with local for-profit and non-profit businesses to provide students with increased exposure to career opportunities.

  5. Provide earlier student awareness of requirements to prepare for college and career.