Attendance, Enrollment & Transcripts

Student Enrollment Information

New students registering to the Hickman County School District must complete an enrollment packet available at each school.  In addition to the enrollment packet, the following documents are necessary.

  • Birth Certificate
  • Medical examination
  • Immunizations
  • Driver’s License
  • Proof of residency (utility bill, mortgage, or lease agreement )in guardian’s name
  • Copy of Parenting Plan (if applicable)
  • School Admission Policy


All immunizations for Pre-K, Kindergarten, first time enrollees in a Tennessee school, and previously or newly enrolled students who will be a 7th grader in this upcoming school year (2015-2016) must have all immunizations up to date before they will be allowed enrollment in Hickman County Schools.

The Tennessee Department of Health requires all 7th grade students to have one dose of a Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis Booster (Tdap) and 2 doses of Varicella (Chicken Pox)vaccine (if the student has never had Chicken Pox).

Parents of students receiving required immunizations must provide school officials with the “Official Immunization Certificate” showing their child has all appropriate immunizations up to date.    Parents and Guardians may get the “Official Immunization Certificate”from a Health Department or Healthcare Provider licensed in Tennessee.  Students will not be allowed to enroll (new enrollees) or stay at school and attend classes (students currently enrolled) until all immunization requirements are met.  Students already enrolled who have absences related to the lack of required immunizations will be counted as an unexcused absence which may result in a truancy violation.

The National Vaccines for Children Program provides free vaccines through medial clinics to all children and teens younger than age 19 who have Tenn-Care, lack health insurance, or are American Indians. In addition, children whose private insurance doesn’t cover vaccines also can receive VFC Vaccines in community health centers and health departments.  Ask your child’s Healthcare Provider if they participate in VFC.  VFC providers charge a small administration fee to give the vaccines but that may be reduced, if necessary.

If you have questions, please contact Kara Hobbs at 729-5900.

Attendance Counts

Each day, student attendance is taken by staff and reported to the front office of each school and recorded in the student information system (Skyward). Students who are absent will have automated phone calls made to their parent/guardian notifying them that the student is absent.

State law describes truant as a student having 5 unexcused absences.  Attendance personnel in each school have access to attendance reports that indicate when students have reached 3 days and/or 5 days unexcused absences.

Parent Notes

Hickman County allows parents to write notes for missed days when taking a child to the doctor is not deemed necessary or when emergencies arise. Parents are allowed to write a total of 8 parent notes for the school year that may excuse a whole day or a partial day. Parents should be aware that abbreviated school days count as full days towards attendance. Students who miss abbreviated days will receive an unexcused absence that counts the same as a whole day.

Notes for any excused absence should be turned in to the school upon the return of the student to school.


School administration may deny participation in graduation exercises, prom, or any other senior activities, to those seniors who accumulate more than 15 cumulative unexcused absences regardless of the age of the senior.

In Tennessee, parents have the option to educate their children at home, an option known as homeschooling or home education.

Parents in Tennessee may choose to home school their own children in grades K – 12. The Tennessee Home School law (Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-6-3050) states: “A home school is a school conducted or directed by a parent or parents or a legal guardian or guardians for their own children.”

Parents desiring to home school their own children may do so by choosing one of the following three options:

  •     Independent
  •     Church Related
  •     Accredited Online
Students in the State of Tennessee by law are required to attend school where they are zoned. Students living outside of Hickman County in some circumstances may attend Hickman County Schools. Such requests will require completion of an Out of County Tuition Form as well as pay the tuition ($1000 per year per student, prorated daily).  The form may be attained at the local school, or by contacting the At-Risk Coordinator.  If after the requesting student has supplied the out of county tuition form, current copies of attendance, grades, and discipline records, the school system will determine if the student is accepted to attend school in Hickman County.

Post Graduation Resources

Records Custodian / Request Coordinator

Other Enrollment Contacts...

Truancy, Home School, Out of County, Court Liaison, Power of Attorney & Discipline Hearing

Alternative School

Homeless Liaison

Foster Care

504 Coordinator

Out Of Zone